I got this from Mike Naoe via email. What a Toad!


Hope you get this.
Has to be seen to be believed....

Pardise cove report.

40' of green water. Went up there because the wind was blowing.

He got it on the sink on his new rod and reel he won at the halibut derby first fish on his new rig.

Took him 30 minutes. Had to back down on it. Almost got spooled. Kelped him but he got it out.

Would not fit in the net.

60" long.

Blew my mind.
Bigger than any WSB I have ever seen in person.
By far biggest ever taken on my boat.

Have fun



I hear they are fun to catch. So I am told............D'oh!

Stay tuned for more reports

Thanks for the report Mike

I am out...

Rico on the Pac Dawn - Seabass $$Money Shot$$

From our friend Jason................

Hey Bob,

Here is a pic of Rico Villero. He comes into shop occasionally. Mike made a few rods for him. The picture is from a trip from last year on the Pacific Dawn to Santa Cruz island. Rico caught 1 of the 5 croaker on that trip. It turned out to be the JP fish.

See ya.


A cool report and quality photo. Like I said, feel free to email your fishing report and proof of purchase (or commonly known as a picture) to bob.bobssportinggoods@gmail.com.

Whether the report is old or hot off the press, go ahead and send me the $$Money Shot$$.

We all want to know......

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