Tattoo Free - Obama 2008

"Quando a esmola é muita, o santo desconfia."

Em Moore, Oklahoma, Phillip Calf esta oferecendo tatuagens de graça a quem se interessar. O detalhe é que a tatuagem oferecida, trata-se do rosto do senador Barak Obama, acompanhado da escrita "Obama 2008".

Segundo Calfy, esta foi a maneira encontrada para ajudar na campanha. O tatuador revela que já tatuou o rosto do senador republicano mais de 100 vezes.

Barak Obama e Hillary Clinton, já foram temas de tatuagens em outro post também. Como pode ser visto no vídeo abaixo, tudo indica que a moda está pegando.

A fonte da notícia é o CBS 13 e a dica é do parceiro Evolution Body.

BSG on the American Angler

Jackpot winners:
1st place: Mike Escobar 33.2lbs Yellowtail
2nd place: Greg Stoney 29.8lbs Yellowtail
3rd place: Jon Ichino 29.8lbs Yellowtail

Hey Gang - We just got back from our BSG 5 Dayer on the American Angler out of Pt Loma CA. Mike Naoe of Bob's Sporting Goods rolled as our CharterMaster for the trip, and we had Captain Sam Patella at the helm. There were a number of new faces in the crowd who were fired up for a few days of fishing off the coast of Baja. Yellowfin Tuna and Yellowtail were on everyone's brain.

Mike, G Stoney, Bob, and the Honorable Matt of Salas Lures

Maui Built Sam ready for the Family Talk

"OK guys.....Here is the Gameplan for tomorrow. We are going to run down the beach to Colonet for Yellowfin.......I also heard about the contest you guys had last year............OK?"

JigStick Raffle Rod Winner Tony - Just Stoked

The Surprised Suzie Tanji with her winning Raffle Rod JigStick
(Good Grief - I am now officially 0 - 7 for NOT winning a Raffle Rod)

Larry aka "UL" ready for action

Just a sample of Mike Naoe's Art - Money

Colonet - We rolled down to Colonet and hung a few nice Yellowfin early on day 1. Our bite was cut short by the arrival of some rather enourmous Humbolt Squid. You thought you hooked a nice tuna then you start to notice the lack of headshakes and a familiar steady pull of heavy weight on the end of your line. Those things were bigger than the Ahi. Time to BreakOut....

Bobby - TunaHeart Look

Isla San Benitos - Our next move was down to Isla San Benitos for some Yellowtail Action. We anchored up at 2Am and the group started off with some Dropper Loop Fishing. Hard work at the rail paid off for Mike Escobar and John "Johnny-Chino" Ichino both scoring a couple of beauties in the dark.


On the Iron - Salas WLA Special Srambled Egg

A Very Happy Fred

Mike Naoe - Bob's Sporting Goods

Russ with a Good One

Matthew and Captain Sam - on the Plug

Liwei ButterFly Catchin
Check out the Double Hookup on the ButterFly Rig

Greg Stoney - Biggie On the Surface Plug

"Hey Sam. Is that your Psycho Plug Throwing Group? - Royal Star
"Yup, it sure is. You know what? They have Death written all over their faces" - American Angler
"OK - see you in San Pablo" - Royal Star

Bust a Move

San Pablo Bay - We shot down to San Pablo Bay for a ripper morning bite on Yellowtail. Sam was commenting to us on how he hasn't seen this a bite like this in Bay in over 20 years. Old Times. Just take a look at the Machine and you can get and idea on the volume of fish. We filled our limits in no time.

Fred Bent


John ON - Salas Style

Uncle Larry GAMEFACE - GiT eR dOnE!!!


Shop Talk

Punta Colonet - We got word that the Tuna off Colonet were biting and it was time to make a run up the coast. The move paid off with a Double HUMP of Ahi in the RSW. The Gang was very happy to cap off their catch of grip of fresh AHI.
Everyone was STOKED, including Sam with his BraveHeart Look during one of our stops.

Homeward Bound - WaffleTime

The Central Valley Crew - It was a Pleasure.

The New School of Long Range

Get the real story about our adventure by checking out the Fishing Reports on the American Angler Website.

Hats off to Captain Sam Patella and the Crew of the American Angler for a great 5 days. These guys run a top notch operation and it is always a pleasure fishing with the guys. And a Big Round of Applause to Lori Patella for all of her help in the Office. We want to thank you all for the Good Times on the Angler

"Ain't we lucky we got em.....Good Times ahhhhhhhhhhhay yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh"
- - - Dyno-Mite!!!!!!!

Minha Tattoo 55, Carol Santos

Carol possiu várias tatuagens, mas enviou e contou a história da grande homenagem que fez a seu pai. Veja abaixo a participação de Carol, do Rio de Janeiro, no quadro Minha Tattoo.

"Meu nome é Carol Santos, tenho cinco tatuagens: uma estrelinha com as iniciais do nome do meu sobrinho no pulso esquerdo, três estrelinhas no pulso direito que representam meus três sobrinhos, uma bonequinha na perna, uma rosa com um tribal na nuca e essa que estou enviando a foto que fiz em homenagem ao meu pai, falecido recentemente. A tatuagem é o refrão da música "Cedo ou tarde" da banda NX Zero. No dia do velório do meu pai eu ouvi essa música e me emocionou muito, parece que foi feita pra nós dois. Eu e meu pai éramos muito próximos, essa música me faz muito bem, na primeira semana após o falecimento dele, eu só conseguia ouvir essa música, então resolvi tatuá-la. Foi uma maneira de superar um pouco a minha dor.

Eu amo a minha tatuagem, acho ela linda, todos me chamaram de maluca, por ter feito algo tão grande, mais estou super satisfeita, não me arrependo e faria tudo novamente, enfrentaria as quatro horas de novo sem reclamar, nem dor eu senti, tamanha era minha felicidade.

Meu tatuador foi o Wallace Boquinha, um grande amigo meu que arrasa nas tattoos. Abraços a todos."

Carol Santos

Cedo ou tarde a gente vai se encontrar
Cedo ou tarde a gente vai se encontrar
Participe do quadro Minha Tattoo.

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