From: Matt Earls [mailto:yellowtail67@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 12:32 PM
To: Robert N. Hara
Subject: RE: FOR SALE - 2006 22’ SS Panga.com

Yo Bob,

Great to chat with ya. Here are some pictures of my Panga with a description below....


• 2006 22’ SS Panga.com in Mint condition
• 2008 Evinrude, ETEC 90hp with +- 40 hours, 2 stroke direct
injection, no oil mixing needed. I re-powered from an ETEC 60 hp, which I
felt was underpowered
• Garmin 545 Color GPS Plotter, with 3 yr. Ext Warranty from WM
• Furuno FCV-620 Color Sounder, Airmar bronze thru hull transducer, 3 yr Ext. warranty from WM
• VHF mounted under CC with swing-arm, 8’ Shakespeare antenna with 3 yr. ext. warr.
• 40 Gallon under deck fuel tank
• 32 gallon Kodiak live well with under deck drains, Groco brass through hull bait draw, Groco in-line brass ball valves @ pump for easy changing if necessary
• 750 gpm auto bilge, with spares
• Custom Leaning post with under seat storage and back rest
• Custom 6” raised CC, much more user friendly
• Custom shelf under CC, for additional storage
• 12 rod holders
• Ritchie Compass on CC
• Danforth type anchor with 30’ 3/8 HD chain, and rope.
• Bumpers
• Flares, safety kit, Fire Extinguisher mounted under CC
• Life jackets
• Extra couple gallons of Evinrude oil, lots of extras included but not listed
• Hull painted with black Anti-Fouling paint, which needs to be painted again. I've found
painting 1 week before heading out helps cure it, so I have not wasted $ painting it for looks.
• 2006 Continental, Aluminum, single axle tlr, full size spare.

I bought this boat 2 years ago with the intention of keeping it and regularly doing my Mexico trips. I have not skimped or cut corners anywhere. I fish, and that is what is it set up for. If you are looking at this, you know what it has to offer, and what the basic prices are. The older ETEC is Blue, so some of the pictures are before I installed the new white 2008 ETEC 90.


Matt @ 505.670.0131

Anyone interested, drop Mr. Earls a line.

Minha Tattoo 16, Samantha Monteiro

A paulista Samantha Monteiro nos conta um pouco sobre a sua tão sonhada tatuagem, no quadro Minha Tattoo.

"Sempre, sempre quis fazer tattoo mas meus pais nunca deixavam. Sonhei com esse desenho, desde então fiquei decidida a fazer e convenci meu pai. O significado para mim é união, os opostos se atraem, no desenho a estrela e a lua estão sorrindo um para o outro! Cada um do seu jeito!!!!
Beijos a todos."

Samantha Monteiro

Participe do quadro Minha Tattoo.

Tatuagens ganham as ruas do Brasil - VIDEO

Matéria realizada pelo programa Fantástico, emitido pela Rede Globo em 1978, em uma época que a tatuagem começava a romper barreiras, saia dos cais para as ruas e praias das cidades. O vídeo mostra o tatuador carioca Pepito no início da tatuagem no Brasil, sem máquinas e de maneira ainda rudientar. Tatuados motram suas tattoos e falam sobre o significado da arte que carregam em seu corpo.

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