Johnny Depp

Celebrity Wallpaper

Johnny Depp Celebrity Wallpaper

Johnny Depp

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Guinness Rishi busca novo recorde

Se um homem merece estar no Livro dos Recordes, é  o Sr. Guinness Rishi, que chamava-se Har Parkash mas alterou seu nome de registro em homenagem ao livro. O  indiano de 67 anos está cobrindo seu corpo com 220 bandeiras de nações diferentes e apesar da desaprovação de sua esposa, Rishi já gastou US$3,000 com suas tatuagens. O Guinness, livro dos recordes, já concedeu a Rishi um certificado após suas primeiras 150 tatuagens de bandeiras. Para além das bandeiras Rishi planeja uma tattoo com o retrato do Popeye.

Rishi reivindica diversos outros 19 recordes igualmente estranhos, como colocar 755 canudinhos (para este recorde Rishi extraiu todos os dentes), a construção da mais alta torre de cubos de açúcar do mundo e 490 gramas de catchup sugados em 39 segundos com o uso de apenas um canudinho.

Spectra Sportfishing

Stewart Suenaga - Calico Bass

From: Stew Suenaga
Date: Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:21 PM
Subject: Spectra sportfishing.
To: bob hara

Hello Bob, Just did a back to back trip on the Spectra and Options. Well no seabass for me but did get one nice calico on Saturday, and a 85# soupfin shark. Trying to get the picture of it. As soon as I do I'll send it to you. Water temp at Cataline is still very cold 58 to 59. As soon as it warm up and stay that way it should be game on. We did manage to get 2 seabass on Sunday.

Thanks for the report Stewart. That first picture is Classic Catalina SpringTime Water Color

Peacock Tattoo Design

Peacock Tattoo Design

Peacock tattoos
are a common request. The proud and beautiful peacock is something to be admired, to be cherished. People who want a tattoo that expresses their love of life and show the world that they are proud and happy to be themselves may choose to get a peacock tattoo.

Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design

Peacock Tattoo Design

Peacock Tattoo Design

Peacock tattoos
are a common request. The proud and beautiful peacock is something to be admired, to be cherished. People who want a tattoo that expresses their love of life and show the world that they are proud and happy to be themselves may choose to get a peacock tattoo.

Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design
Peacock Tattoo Design

Japanese Tattoo Gallery

Best Tattoos

The celtic tattoo design is one of the most popular designs you will find online. It is an incredible design that takes skill and imagination to create. Just like any other tattoo design the celtic tattoo takes time and money to get. These are two of the coolest celtic tattoos I have seen online lately.

Japanese Character Tattoo

Japanese Character Tattoo

Japanese Character Tattoo

Japanese Tattoo Writing

Japanese Tattoo Writing

Japanese Tattoo Translation

Japanese Tattoo Translation

Japanese Tattoo Ink

Japanese Tattoo Ink

Japanese Tattoo Pictures

Japanese Tattoo Pictures

Japanese Tattoo Pictures

Japanese Tattoo Books

Japanese Tattoo Books

Japanese Tattoo Books

Japanese Kanji Tattoo

Japanese Kanji Tattoo
Japanese Kanji Tattoo

Japanese Kanji Tattoo
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