Agulhas esterilizadas

Fala galera da A Tattoo!!!

Venho acompanhando vocês já há algum tempo. Sou de Orlândia/SP estou iniciando nos estudos de tattoo, vou comprar alguns equipamentos e minhas dúvidas maiores são com relação a assepsia, eu já li a matéria de vocês a respeito, e por sinhal achei muito top. Mas queria algo mais objetivo, com relação aos artigos de risco (Agulha, biqueira, etc...)

Se eu comprar ambos já esterilizados terei que estereliza-los novamente!?
Que cuidados devo ter ao retirar por exemplo uma biqueira esterilizada da embalagem até a hora de tatuar e durante o processo!?!

Espero que tenha sido claro no que preciso! Aguardo respostas.
Desde já... muito obrigado!

Att. Lucas Gallego

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Cool Tribal Tattoos

Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos

Cool Tribal Tattoos

Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos
Cool Tribal Tattoos

Alessandra Ambrosio

Celebrity Wallpaper

Alessandra Ambrosio Celebrity Wallpaper

Alessandra Ambrosio

Wallpaper Size: 1920 x 1440

Tattoo Designs For Neck

Menu for today is Tattoo Designs For Neck in which I will show you 10 amazing Tattoo Photos and then my lil video at the end with a collection of neck tattoos for women. Hands up if ya like the lil tattoo video at the end, all you sods with yer hands down are ungrateful buggers, anyways let's proceed.

Oh yeah baby and ya gotta admit that is a cracker tattoo to start of with. Jeeez wud ya stop seein this chick if ya had a fear of spiders, I had an Aunt that loved spiders !

Did ya know that star tattoos are the most popular with females, tis a fact. I deff love this lil collection of coloured stars, yup star tattoos are the in thing ladies.
Tattoo Designs For Neck

Naturally flower tattoos are up the list as well, in fact I think I will write about the Top 10 tattoos, wud be ever so exciting, doncha think ?
Tattoo Designs For Neck

Not sure if I fancy two reptiles running about my neck but this chick sure as hell loves her reptile tattoos, some peeps say I am like a snake, tis a rotten thing to say, although I do shed skin when I get sunburnt.
Tattoo Designs For Neck

I think this neck tattoo is really well placed and a nice combo of the star tattoo and butterfly tattoo, nice tat indeedy !
Tattoo Designs For Neck

A tattoo hub wouldn't be the same now without a good tribal tattoo. I wish somebody wud explain the tribal tattoo to me, is it some global tribe that get tattooed or wat, I feel left out and uninvited.
Tattoo Designs For Neck

I dunno whether I like this one or not, a tree tattoo on yer neck, maybe her friends like it and they are all rooting for her, oh well one has to branch out in the tattoos I guess !
Tattoo Designs For Neck

Ladies Tattoos Gallery

Anyways peeps today I am bringing you a collection of all different tattoos in this Ladies Tattoos hub and I can assure you there will be 14 of the most stunning ladies tattoos that will blow you away, well obviously not blow ya away, I just stuck that phrase in to make my hub look good, jeeez it needs something to make it look good.

The first of my ladies tattoos is this stunning flowers tattoo, I think the colours are just awesome.

Love this lil design with the butterfly right in the middle, a cracking ladies tattoo.
Love this lil design with the butterfly right in the middle, a cracking ladies tattoo.

An angel tattoo on a redhead angel, jeeez I have died and gone to heaven !
An angel tattoo on a redhead angel, jeeez I have died and gone to heaven !

Loves this ladies tattoo on the back, for some reason this tattoo kinda grows on ya, doncha think?
Loves this ladies tattoo on the back, for some reason this tattoo kinda grows on ya, doncha think?

Love these fairy tattoos on this chicks back, a must for yer coice of ladies tattoos.
Love these fairy tattoos on this chicks back, a must for yer coice of ladies tattoos.

Ladies Tattoos Gallery

Anyways peeps today I am bringing you a collection of all different tattoos in this Ladies Tattoos hub and I can assure you there will be 14 of the most stunning ladies tattoos that will blow you away, well obviously not blow ya away, I just stuck that phrase in to make my hub look good, jeeez it needs something to make it look good.

The first of my ladies tattoos is this stunning flowers tattoo, I think the colours are just awesome.

Love this lil design with the butterfly right in the middle, a cracking ladies tattoo.
Love this lil design with the butterfly right in the middle, a cracking ladies tattoo.

An angel tattoo on a redhead angel, jeeez I have died and gone to heaven !
An angel tattoo on a redhead angel, jeeez I have died and gone to heaven !

Loves this ladies tattoo on the back, for some reason this tattoo kinda grows on ya, doncha think?
Loves this ladies tattoo on the back, for some reason this tattoo kinda grows on ya, doncha think?

Love these fairy tattoos on this chicks back, a must for yer coice of ladies tattoos.
Love these fairy tattoos on this chicks back, a must for yer coice of ladies tattoos.

Tribal Women's Tattoos

Even though so many people feel that tattoos are a sign of masculinity, it is not impossible to find feminine tattoos. Plus, in many cases it is all in the placement of the tattoo.

As for tribal tattoos, many of them are very bold and thick, which is truly a masculine trait, but as a woman, you can get a feminine tribal tattoo.

You want to have the design more thin lined and smaller versus thick black lines. You may also want to consider more swirls and designs with your tribal tattoo.

Many women will actually have other designs and images blended in with the tribal tattoo designs. Hearts, butterflies, and flowers are those designs that are commonly used to embellish the tribal designs.

Another thing to consider, is the placement of the tattoo. Being a female, there are many feminine places where yo ucan put a tattoo. Tribal arm bands are pretty masculine, so you may want to avoid an arm band, unless you go thin, but otherwise, you can consider thing tribal wrist bracelets, tramp stamps, and even ankles.

Tribal Women's Tattoos

Even though so many people feel that tattoos are a sign of masculinity, it is not impossible to find feminine tattoos. Plus, in many cases it is all in the placement of the tattoo.

As for tribal tattoos, many of them are very bold and thick, which is truly a masculine trait, but as a woman, you can get a feminine tribal tattoo.

You want to have the design more thin lined and smaller versus thick black lines. You may also want to consider more swirls and designs with your tribal tattoo.

Many women will actually have other designs and images blended in with the tribal tattoo designs. Hearts, butterflies, and flowers are those designs that are commonly used to embellish the tribal designs.

Another thing to consider, is the placement of the tattoo. Being a female, there are many feminine places where yo ucan put a tattoo. Tribal arm bands are pretty masculine, so you may want to avoid an arm band, unless you go thin, but otherwise, you can consider thing tribal wrist bracelets, tramp stamps, and even ankles.

Tribal Body Art

Tribal Body Art

Tribal Body Art

Tribal Body Art

spiderman tattoo

spiderman tattoo

spiderman tattoo

spiderman tattoo

Japanese Tattoo Ink

Japanese Tattoo Ink
Japanese Tattoo Ink
Japanese Tattoo Ink
Japanese Tattoo Ink
Japanese Tattoo Ink
Japanese Tattoo Ink

Japanese Tattoo Pictures

Japanese Tattoo Pictures
Japanese Tattoo Pictures
Japanese Tattoo Pictures
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