Greyson Chance At Indonesia

Waaahhh... bener banget ini u,u 'sesuatu' banget :D
Girang banget pas tau greyson ke indonesia..tapi segirang-girangnya waktu itu tetep aja sedi -__-' jauh dari jakarta, jadi gak bisa nonton ke Had Rock Cafe...
Ini salah satu postingan Greyson di FB "Selamat pagi, Indonesia! On my way for the last stop on our Asia promo tour- are you ready?? (:"
Pas kemarin aku sampe malem nungguin kabar pengumuman STT -__-' walaupun al hasil gak lolos dengan keinginanku, aku tetep seneng...
Gimana gak seneng coba?? :p tiba-tiba di trans TV nongol si "GREYSON CHANCE" oh my.... O.O yang waktuitu udah nantuk, langsung melek lagi :p ahahhaa...
Dia nyanyi 2 lagi di The Hits Trans TV :D yang pertama Unfriend You :D walah para Enchancers pada nangis, salah satu ada yang nangisnya sampe segitunya, terus dia dipanggil naik ke atas panggung u,u diadipeluk sama Greyson :O mauuuu... terus greyson bilang 'If you cry i will cry' Ooowwww :3 co cwwwiiiittt....
Terus lagu kedua dia nyanyiin lagunya Lady Gaga yang Paparazi :D
Semua penampilannya keren abissss :D
Terus dia cerita dia suka "fried bananas" :p wkwkwk... demi apa tuh greyson suka pisang goreng?? :p kalo mau ke sekolah aku aja, ada mama yang jual pisang goreng, enak banget XP hahaha...
okelah pokoknya intinya aku girang banget :D hahaha...
Oh iya makasih juga buat Lintang :* udah ngingetin lewat sms :D

Nah dibawah ini aku mau postingin tweetsnya greyson yang ada indonesianya :D

"Landed in Jakarta just now! Saw some fans. It is the last stop on the tour. Follow for updates on what I'm doing! (:"

"Drinking Shirley Temples with the gang in Indonesia. Ohhhh yeahhhh. This is how we roll!! "

"Indonesia!Submit questions to & I'll pick the top 5 to answer on the live stream Nov 24 at 4pm.I love Jakarta!"

"On my way to do my cover shoot with . We are shooting for Kawanku magazine Indonesia! So excited."

"Just left the cover shoot with Suri . Can't wait for you all to see it!"

"About to go onstage! If you didn't have a chance to get a ticket, you can still come buy a CD to meet me afterwards! This crowd is CRAZY!"


Amazing crowd in Jakarta at last night's show.What a great way to end the tour!Going "

"Also, thank you to for opening for me last night. What a great band!!!"

"Last night in Indonesia...Jakarta, what should I eat tonight? (:"

"Just arrived at ! Indonesia- watch me perform twice tonight at 9pm!

"To all the fans in Jakarta! Thank you for being so patient and amazing tonight. I hope you enjoyed the show, LOVE U ALL SOOO MUCH!!"

"Goodbye Asia! Thank you so much for an amazing trip. To all the fans...I love you so much. Thanks for being the best! Goodbye everyone! (:" Last promo here!"
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